Efeitos dos programas de residência na aprendizagem e na qualidade de vida dos profissionais de saúde
International Journal of Development Research
Efeitos dos programas de residência na aprendizagem e na qualidade de vida dos profissionais de saúde
Received 10th August, 2021; Received in revised form 19th September, 2021; Accepted 03rd October, 2021; Published online 30th November, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Adriane Vieira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This paper aimed to analyze the effect of the health residency programs on residents' quality of life in the training of three teaching hospitals located in southest of Brazil.This quantitative, descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional survey study was conducted with 363 residents. A self-administered questionnaire composed by two Likert-type scales: Quality of Life Scale (WOQOL-Bref) and Health Residency Program Assessment Scale (APRS) was used. The results show that the average of the Physical Domain dimension was significantly lower than the averages of the other dimensions concerning of the quality of life. Regarding the Assessment of Health Residency Programs, the dimension with the best average was Learning and Professional Interactions, while the lowest was Quality of Programming and Pedagogical Support. It was confirmed the tested hypothesis. It can be concluded that the Assessment of Health Residency Program influences the Quality of Life, and that the higher the APRS, the higher it tends to be the Quality of Life.