New outlines of democratic rules at the Brazilian scenario

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

New outlines of democratic rules at the Brazilian scenario

Romano Deluque Júnior, Cesar Augusto Marton, Michely Thaina Orosco de Rodighero, Kaíque Ximenes Teixeira, Elizeu Gonçalves Amorim and Zilda Isabel Orosco de Zorze Rodighero


In a free, and often democratic, rule of law, the phenomenon of corruption emerges as a corrosive agent of the political-society link. On the national scene, political corruption gives rise to a state of distrust on the part of society over an entire class. And from the disbelief of a people with their elected representatives, the protagonism of the judiciary rises, and from this weakening of political institutions, the tendency to judicialize life is amplified. The purpose of this article is to propose a debate about the judicialization of politics, judicial activism, as well as their interrelations with the theme of corruption. As a theoric research, which seeks to discuss issues related to the role of the judiciary as an institutional power, as well as the alterities in the socio-political reality that emerged from the latest legal and social events of great repercussion in the national scenario.

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