English language teaching and webquest methodology: a possibility for inquiry-oriented activities on the web

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

English language teaching and webquest methodology: a possibility for inquiry-oriented activities on the web

Cláudia Cristina Cólins Pereira, Samara Oliveira de Góis, Marize Barros Rocha Aranha, Suzana Maria Lucas Santos and Antônio Augusto Araújo Machado


This article is about the teaching of English Language (EL) through the use of active methodologies, in particular the WebQuest Methodology (WQM). It is part of a Professional Master Degree's research of a Graduate Program of the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), including new discussions. The aim of this study is to reflect and raise methodological possibilities to English classes in the digital age considering the concept of active methodologies teaching. This is a bibliographical research regarding the procedures and exploratory type relating to the objectives. We are based on theoretical contributions that address the teaching of English language, as well as the WebQuest methodology (WQM) with the contributions of Dodge (1995; 1997; 2001; 2002), Almeida Filho (2013; 2015), Paiva (2015), Bottentuit Júnior (2009; 2010; 2012), Barato (2012) and Bacich; Moran (2018). Thus, we hope that this study can contribute to teachers’ reflection on the need of using digital technologies in the teaching of EL in a communicative approach. Therefore, the application of WebQuest methodology is an active and significant possibility in the teaching of EL in the school context. In addition, we found out that the English teacher needs to reinvent himself/herself depending on the adopted methodology, especially in this moment of pandemic, in which the use of digital resources is urgent.

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