Capability and challenges of employees in running public services in administrative-post Baguia, Baucau municipality

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
10 pages
Research Article

Capability and challenges of employees in running public services in administrative-post Baguia, Baucau municipality

Faustino Simões De Carvalho


Faustino Simões de Carvalho,, a master's program student who has conducted research entitled "Capabilities and Challenges of the State Civil Apparatus in providing services to the public at the Administrative-post Bagui, Baucau Municipality. The exposure in this study was motivated by field observations, identifying that there were problems related to employee abilities and challenges in implementing services at the administrative post, such as discipline in working hours, lack of resources, and lack of facilities so that the impact on service quality was minimal. According to Almond and Verba (1963) includes three components: cognitive, affective, and evaluative. Component Cognitive is used to measure a person's level of knowledge about the running of the political system, government figures, the wisdom they take, or regarding the symbols of the political system as a whole. administrative services are an important point undertaken by government officials in the Administrative Posts. All of these services have been achieved and development has been taking place because of the problems being addressed “How the capacity and challenges of civil servants to carry out public administration services at the Baguia Administrative Post, Baucau Municipality.” The purpose of this research is to justify the theory and practice of public service delivery, which can be a contribution and further understanding of government administration services and especially in the post-administrative Baguia especially in improving public services, as information for civil servants, especially in post-administrative Baguia. This survey uses a qualitative method. The process of collecting data and techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was written with qualitative analysis techniques and guidelines such as data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. Research findings are then explored in a variety of different ways. The results of the survey are presented as follows: The ability of staff in post-administration is very important to pay attention to the provision of training, formal and non-formal training, and comparative studies to increase staff knowledge, to better equip them. the task given to provide services to the community, based on the Civil Service Law, Law 5/2009 (with the first amendment to Law No. 8/2004, June 16) with the intention that the existing changes are not meant to hinder but to expect higher quality service provided for in Article 45 an effective way of providing public services.

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