Analysis of vertical and horizontal impulsion in male handball athletes from joinville-sc

International Journal of Development Research

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7 pages
Research Article

Analysis of vertical and horizontal impulsion in male handball athletes from joinville-sc

Cristianne Confessor Castilho Lopes, Luís Fernando da Rosa, Jean Carlos de Oliveira, Daniela dos Santos, Paulo Sérgio Silva, Marilda Morais da Costa, Tulio Gamio Dias, Eduardo Barbosa Lopes, Laísa Zanatta, Vanessa da Silva Barros, Mônica Confessor Castilho, Heliude de Quadros e Silva and Youssef Elias Ammar


Handball has become a popular sport because it is easy to learn and very common in Brazilian schools, mostly, given that it is an Olympic sport. The goal of this study is to analyze the vertical and horizontal impulsion index in male handball athletes from Joinville. The sample counted 17 athletes with ages ranging from 14 to 18 years old. Seventeen athletes belonging to the handball team of the city of Joinville were investigated. For data collection the tests were used: Sargent Jump Test (Sargent, 1921) and Lower Limb Explosive Strength Test (GAYA, 2016), in all jumps three attempts were performed and only the highest of them was taken into account for validation. After the results in the tests the athletes obtained in the Jump Without Assistance (SSA), 47.05% of the athletes had a result considered GOOD, 35.29% were considered REGULAR and 17.64% in the VERY GOOD. In the Sargent Jump with aid of upper limbs, with the nomenclature Jump with Aid (SCA), 41.17% had jumps considered VERY GOOD, 35.29% considered GOOD, 11.76% considered GREAT and 5.88% considered REGULAR. In the lower limbs explosive strength test (TFEMI), 41.18% of the athletes were classified as VERY GOOD, 29.41% as GOOD, 23.52% as REASONABLE, and 5.88% as FAIL. After the conclusion of the data collection and analysis, the athletes in this study were classified with a jump considered good for their age group and most of the analyzed athletes had results higher than expected. The author highlights that with a more detailed study and with a more in-depth approach, so as to corroborate with other studies and with this one for future research.

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