The challenges faced by the lgbtqia+ population on the access of the Brazilian unified health system: a systematic review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Review Article

The challenges faced by the lgbtqia+ population on the access of the Brazilian unified health system: a systematic review

Fernanda Vieira Santos Moreira, Emilly Mota Linhares, Jenyfer da Costa Andrade, Halley Ferraro de Oliveira, Allan Estevão Lima and Maria Regina Domingues Azevedo


The LGBTQIA+ population has been a neglected, excluded group and a target of discrimination and prejudice trhoughout history. With an analysis of current disadvantages suffered by the community in Brazil, there are multiple social and political aspects that perpetuates inequality andexclusion from society. Healthcare is a right to all citizens and a state duty, guaranteed through social and economic policies that minimize health risk and other consequences, and in Brazil, with the Unified Health System (SUS), itallows every citizen the access to this social right. However, gender and sexual minorities still face some obstacles to full, universal and equal access to it. The goal of this study is to verify, through literature reviews, which are the main challenges faced by lesbians, gays, bissexuals, transvestites and transsexuals as users of the Unified Health System.

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