Effects of realistic simulation on the nursing knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a quasi-experiment in a Brazilian hospital
International Journal of Development Research
Effects of realistic simulation on the nursing knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a quasi-experiment in a Brazilian hospital
Received 11th January, 2021; Received in revised form 27th February, 2021; Accepted 20th March, 2021; Published online 13th April, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Talita Silva Alves Tibola et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A síndrome de Münchausen Objectives: To analyze the effects of realistic simulation for the knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the Nursing team in a teaching hospital. Methodology: A quasi-experimental study, of the before-and-after type, with an educational intervention, and conducted with 324 Nursing professionals from a Teaching Hospital in Southeast Brazil. Collection took place between 2017 and 2018, by using a structured instrument. Results: The participants were 108 Nurses, 211 Nursing Technicians, and 13 Nursing Assistants, 81.2% being female and aged 21 ├ 67 years old. It was observed that there was a significant difference between the means of the scores obtained before and after the educational action, showing that there was a gain in knowledge after the training with the use of active methodology through simulation. Pearson's Chi-square association test presented a significant association between the post-test scores and the professional category. Conclusion: It was concluded that the effects of realistic simulation for the knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation are positive, effective and innovating, offering better learning opportunities.