Copyright: an analysis of the conventions and their implications for copyright protection in brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages

Copyright: an analysis of the conventions and their implications for copyright protection in brazil

Tiago de Melo Ramos, Jaldemir Santana Batista Bezerra, Flávio Valdir Kirst, Maique dos Santos Bezerra Batista, Ana Carla Barboza Canuto, José Ediclei Santos Silva and Robelius De-Bortoli


This article presents an analysis of copyright throughout history, describes the course of the conventions and their constant updates through the rights of authors and those related to them. It also deals with Law No. 5,988/73 and Law No. 9,609/98 which, supported by the Berne Convention, describe the rules of protection of the author in Brazil. It also addresses the digital age and the challenges provided by the internet for copyright protection, presenting legal possibilities in the face of the challenges of cyberspace. It brings in its methodology the documentary research, by which the technique of documentary analysis was applied to investigate the conventions and the copyright law of Brazil. While the results showed that the Berne convention is a historical and structuring landmark for many countries today, its impacts are still reflected today on copyright laws, in Brazil the copyright protection system is based on the Berne convention. The internet presents major obstacles when it comes to copyright protection and, even though the European Union has developed the Marco Civil da internet, there are still loopholes in the protection of the author.

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