Risk Factors For Syphilis Contamination
International Journal of Development Research
Risk Factors For Syphilis Contamination
Article History: Received 20th October, 2020 Received in revised form 22nd November, 2020 Accepted 14th December, 2020 Published online 30th January, 2021
Copyright©2021, Caroline Vanessa Santos Torres, Maria Lúcia Lima Cardoso, Ênio Fernandes Aragão Soares, 2021. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Syphilisisan infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum that affects thousands of people world wide. The following study aims to identify the socio demographic and behavioral factors related to the increased rates of acquired syphilis infection, the role of the health team in the face of the increased number of acquired syphilis cases, and the factors that influence the high rate of infection in the female gender. It is a literature review whose approach is qualitative and the character, exploratory. In Brazil, the rates ofinfection, reinfectionandco-infection with acquired syphilis are relatedto sociocultural, demographic and educational factors, which work inversely proportional. As for the performance of the health team, thereis a limitation in the scope of health promotion and prevention measures, which are mostly restricted and ineffective. As for the preponderance in the female gender, there is a cultural influence and social role in the prevalence of the infection. Therefore, the importance of improvements in actions aim edat the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acquired syphilisis emphasized, in order to control infection rates and provide behavioral changes in the population.