Management of the water slide brought and saline flow in irrigated rice cultivation in the senegal river delta

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Management of the water slide brought and saline flow in irrigated rice cultivation in the senegal river delta

Eric KALY, Rayond MALOU, Oumar SARR, Daouda NGOM, Sékouna DIATTA and Aliou GUISSE


The find for the optimal slide of water to bring to the plot is important in order to limit the recharge of the water table close to the surface. The slide of water brought into the plots is estimated from the reading of the water height before and after each irrigation series on limnimetric scales. Monitoring of the water surface and the salinity of the water and soil made it possible to assess the water balance and surface salt deposits. At the end of the irrigation period and the drainage of the water slide of the plot, the groundwater table reaches its maximum level and becomes sub-flush. The optimum slide of water to maintain in the plot in order to limit this groundwater recharge is between 10 and 12cm. On a 40 cm profile, the electrical conductivity is 3.5dS/m at the start of irrigation and 1.5dS/m in mid-season with, respectively, salt deposits of 1.62t/ha and 1.22t/ha, i.e. an average of 1.25t/ha. These deposits (1.25t/ha) would come from the water present in the plot (0.45t/ha) and from the capillary rise (0.8t/ha). The salt deposits would be more important in the root zone (between 30 to 40cm) with an average of 1.02t/ha.

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