Nursing care for patients affected by kennedy terminal ulcer: Integrative review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Nursing care for patients affected by kennedy terminal ulcer: Integrative review

Maria Margarida Costa de Carvalho, Érika de Cássia Lima Xavier, Ivonete Vieira Pereira, Rayanne Bandeira Carneiro, Angélica Menezes Bessa Oliveira, Kelly Layla da Silva Guterres, Deliane Silva de Souza1, Cristianne de Oliveira Arrais Saraiva1, Alex Miranda Franco1, Kamille Martins de Oliveira, José Maria dos Santos Coelho, Rosivalda Jacirema Cardoso Chaves, Laudelana de Paiva Santos, Amanda Ventura Félix, Ana Karoline Araújo, Jessica Lopes Quadros da Silva, Felipe Moreira Viegas, Raíza Almeida Pereira and Winnie Taíse Pena Macêdo


Objective: Describe the scientific evidence on Kennedy's ulcer as described in the literature, identifying nursing care for patients with Kennedy's ulcer. Method: Integrative review segmented in six stages. The search took place between 2010-2019 on MEDLINE, LILACS, SciVerse Scopus, ScienceDirect, CINAHL and PUBMED databases, with export to the Rayyan for Systematic Reviews program. Evidence levels were assessed according to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.Results: 133 publications were identified and 6 remained, with level of evidence IV, V and VI. The inevitability of Kennedy's terminal ulcer stands out, especially due to the physiological blood hypoperfusion of the skin during terminality, measures to avoid shear and pressure injuries do not reverse the situation that deserves attention and multi-professional dialogue. Conclusion: Kennedy's terminal ulcer serves as a marker for those involved in palliative care, giving rise to postures aimed at offering comfort and keen communication. There is still a lack of evidence in primary intervention and follow-up studies in the scientific literature.

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