A governança da cadeia de valor do dendê na percepção dos atores sociais integrados, estado do pará

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

A governança da cadeia de valor do dendê na percepção dos atores sociais integrados, estado do pará

Vanilda Araújo Ferreira and Antônio Cordeiro de Santana


The objective of work was to analyze how family farmers integrated into the palm oil value chain, in the Baixo Tocantins, state of Para, perceive their partnership with Agropalma, and with the other actors involved in the chain's governance. The information was collected through documentary survey and analysis, in addition to data from the field research with 56 social subjects linked to the chain. The results revealed that the “partnership” is configured by a relationship of extreme subordination of the small farmer to the essentially economic logic of Agropalma, which transformed him into a type of “outsourced employee”. The governance of the chain is of the captive type. However, the submission process in which family farmers are found within the chain results, predominantly, from the configuration of asymmetric power relations, which operate the interactions between unequal subjexts in governance, condemning them to the “downgrade” dynamics. Thus, caution is recommended when implementing public policies in rural areas, particularly those related to the expansion of palm oil culture as one of the possibilities to recover deforested areas and promote regional development, based on integration between agribusiness and small family rural worker in Para state.

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