Alimentação e nutrição na primeira infância: representação das recomendações do governo brasileiro

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Alimentação e nutrição na primeira infância: representação das recomendações do governo brasileiro

Vanusa Maria Gomes Napoleão Silva; Ana Raquel Bezerra Saraiva Tavares; Edna Maria Camelo Chaves; Maria Lúcia Duarte Pereira; Maria Célia de Freitas and Dafne Paiva Rodrigues


Objective: to analyze, througt official documents from the Brazilian government, recommendations on food and nutrition in early childhood. Method: study of social representations. The descriptor “complementary feeding”, without a temporal cut. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyzes flowchart model was adopted to demonstrate the search, identification, screening, eligibility and data inclusion process. The open software IRAMUTEQ and the Social Representation Theory assumptions were used to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. Results: 142 documents related to food were found and used 09. After software analysis, 4 classes were generated according to the interrelationship between terms and expressions: government guidelines, children's rights, early childhood needs and principles of food safety. Conclusion: it is concluded that the documented Brazilian policies regarding infant feeding reinforce the role of the State as a guarantor of rights and health promotion, but need more supervision to be properly implemented and incorporated into the daily life of the population.

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