Proposal for decentralized computational structure for selection of dispersed and non-structured data

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Proposal for decentralized computational structure for selection of dispersed and non-structured data

Santos, L. C., Silva, M. L.P. and Santos Filho, S. G.


The consolidation of new technologies, based on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, such as the application of sensors like nodes in the internet of things, the distribution of processing systems, in networks, such as cloud computing, among others, resulted in the generation of a quantity data, which, in the last two years, corresponds to almost all the data generated by humanity. Data storage and processing in a cloud environment can bring some intrinsic limitations, such as high latency and low availability events. This work presents a proposal for the use of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as a fog computing application, with the perspective of increasing availability and decreasing latency when acquiring data. Experimental research uses proofs of principle and proofs of concept as methods for carrying out experiments. A proof of principle and three proofs of concept, using large masses of data and the need for processing, such as Machine Learning, were carried out, demonstrating that the initial expectation is ratified.

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