Analysis of voltage levels in electrical energy distribution systems in a company in the industrial district of manaus/am

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Analysis of voltage levels in electrical energy distribution systems in a company in the industrial district of manaus/am

Giorge Figueira Souza and Francimeire Gomes Pinheiro


Electrical energy is a very precious asset for contemporary society because the social reality is directly linked to devices that are activated by this type of energy. This study traces an approach to promote the analysis of energy distribution in the voltage levels of an electrical system in a company in the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM) making a statistical approach to the quality of the energy transmitted by this system and the quality factor. The base of the factors that promote criteria to judge in this research conditions of accomplishment is centered in the principles proclaimed in the resolution nº. 505/2001 of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), The express regulation, highlights that all the companies in charge of the distribution of energy in Brazil must assume the needs to comply with the determinations and recommendations demonstrated by the regulatory agency. Power quality is a determination that must always be a priority for the improvement of the electrical system, as it passes through all stages of its generation, distribution and consumption. Work on the quality control of tension levels, addressing its guiding aspects and evidence prone to the use of an expressive diversity of new concepts related to the statistical control envisioned in the process, as well as questioning the indices on capacity and performance as an additional information required and prognosis. For a methodological treatment, a case study was performed relating two circuits of a low voltage distribution, the data were compared, using criteria and protocols according to what ANEEL expresses, which translates the consistency in the achievement of the highlighted objectives. The analysis of the potentialities and the contributions of the statistical device that was proposed based on the vigorous procedures that become the final product of the work that estimates the data collection, the indication of the defect, if any, and the delivery of possible solutions.

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