Stewardship and environmental conseration: preserving god’s creation
International Journal of Development Research
Stewardship and environmental conseration: preserving god’s creation
The Environment is defined as humans and their relationships with the living and non-living things in the world. The Bible tells us that God created all things in the universe and that all was very good. He entrusted the world to humans whom he gave the gift of intellect to know good and evil. Human beings have used their gift of innovation that is in science and technology; to move from being hunters and gatherers to becoming agriculturists and industrialists. They have managed to make their lives better. But in their development, they have lacked proper planning for all creatures – both living and non-living. They have made the environment dysfunctional, therefore our mother earth is groaning. God’s intention was for humans to manage and care for all creatures in the world. The environment is now in a crisis, the future of life on earth is uncertain unless humans start addressing this crisis immediately. There is global warming, desertification, deforestation, pollution, extinct of some species, and other environmental challenges like floods, and feminine. All these are caused by human activity which effect innovations and modifications. The spirit of humans’ mastery of all God’s creatures has led them to uncontrollable exploitation of the earth’s renewable and non-renewable resources in the world. In Uganda there is an encroachment on the environment in several areas such as clearing of forests for settlement because of lack of control of the growth of population. This destroys the living and non-living creatures that make their habitant in forests and water bodies. There is also encroachment on water bodies, like Lake Victoria in Uganda, which is the second largest fresh water Lake in the world. If the encroachment on this lake continues at the present rate, it will disappear and the future generation may not find it around. There is great need for Uganda to put in place laws and sensitization programs, seriously aiming at sensitizing the masses on the importance of environmental protection in the country. Encroachment on both the forest lands and water bodies must stop. The government, NGOs and Environmentalists need to work together to overcome this problem before it is too late.