Factors that increase the motivation of employees and work-life balance in the courier service industry in Indonesia
International Journal of Development Research
Factors that increase the motivation of employees and work-life balance in the courier service industry in Indonesia
Received 18th May 2020; Received in revised form 21st June 2020; Accepted 11th July 2020; Published online 30th August 2020
Copyright © 2020, Setyo Riyanto. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Work from home activities in pandemic Covid-19 era since mid-February 2020 directly impact on the increase in the volume of shipments online business sent through a courier service company. In general, the courier company operations to be 24 hours adjusting to customer demands. The direct impact of 24 hours operation is an increase in operational costs, especially compensation in the form of overtime costs, work environment that should be made comfortable as well as the company's efforts to continue to build employee engagement employees, work motivation that must be maintained and not less important is how employees can keep the situation of work-life balance in his life. This research is intended to know the factors that are most impactful in the formation of employee motivations capable of making employees can still balance their work life. The research was conducted from April 2020 to July 2020 against 286 courier company employees using a survey method with 44 questions using a Likert scale. The analysis is done using SmartPLS Ver. 3.2.9, and the result shows that compensation and work environment are factors that have an influence on WLB employees, while employee engagement is a factor that has no direct influence on both motivation and work-life balance.