A escola e os caminhos para a aquisição da saúde mental

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

A escola e os caminhos para a aquisição da saúde mental

Pedro Wilson Ramos da Conceição, Izabel Cristina Monteiro da Silva, Érika Castelo Branco Said, Winthney Paula Souza Oliveira, Izabel Cristina Vale de Carvalho, Avelino Ribeiro de Castro, Francisca Tatiana Dourado Gonçalves, Lucas Costa Ferreira, Edilene Pereira da Silva, Silvina Rodrigues de Oliveira and Maria Tiara Sousa da Costa


Studies have shown the participation of minerals, such as selenium, involved in the antioxidant defense of patients with chronic kidney disease. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to provide data on nutrient participation in the control of the antioxidant defense system in individual’s withchronic renal disease. A search of articles published in the PubMed and ScienceDirect database selected from March 2017 to February 2019 was performed using the keywords Selenium, Selenium supplementation, Oxidative stress, Antioxidant and Chronic Kidney Disease. Following the eligibility criteria, 39 articles were selected. The scientific evidence presented in this review shows the importance of selenium as an antioxidant for the reduction of oxidative stress in renal patients, thus, thesupplementation of this mineral can result in the reduction of oxidative stress, through your involvement in selenoprotein and GPx, inhibiting the production of reactive oxygen species; however, the efficacy of the intervention with selenium supplementation is still inconclusive.

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