Objectivity and subjectivity in clinical nursing care: A reflective dialogue

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Objectivity and subjectivity in clinical nursing care: A reflective dialogue

Bruna Karen Cavalcante Fernandes, Ana Lívia Araújo Girão, Daisy Teresinha Reis Coutinho, Gizelly Castelo Branco Brito, Isadora Marques Barbosa, Laryssa Veras Andrade, José Claudio Garcia Lira Neto and Maria Célia de Freitas


This reflection aims to assess the influence of objectivity and subjectivity in clinical nursing care. We sought to list which elements are necessary for an adequate definition of objectivity and subjectivity applied to clinical nursing care. When unveiling concepts and aspects inherent to care, the intertwining between care is observed based on subjective and objective dimensions. This reflection also allows for a better understanding of the power relations in the nurse's practice and visits the challenges found for the rupture of the current hegemonic model in search of clinical care aimed at the subject in respect to its various dimensions.

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