Variations of log diameter in clear lumber yield

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Variations of log diameter in clear lumber yield

Deus, P.R., Dias, R.R., Bilesky, L.R. and De Deus, C.F.


The low yield and the high level of waste generated are a reality for many timber industries, the variation of the data can provide the increase of the conversion factor caused by the use of diameters with values below the desirable standard. The objective of this work was to evaluate the diameter Taeda pine wood with S2 and if there are interferences between the variations in diameter and the yield of the sawn wood. The diameter of the base and the top was checked over a period of one month, evaluating 02 loads per day, taking a sample of 32 logs per load. After, the stereo was related to the number of cubic meters of wood and the rate of conversion of logs into sawn wood was determined. Through the analysis of the input diameters, a large variation in the values with logs below the S2 standard was identified, which interfered directly in the wood conversion factor, requiring the use of a greater number of logs to form 1m3 of sawn wood. The control of the entry of logs into the company is important, as it allows to adjust the quality of the products.

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