Giving life and almost to die - post-birth hemorragy in an intensive care unit

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Giving life and almost to die - post-birth hemorragy in an intensive care unit

Vitor Hugo Pantoja Souza, Ilma Pastana Ferreira, Alzinei Simor, Clarissa Porfírio Mendes, Priscila Farias Fonseca, Danielly Amaral Barreto, Leticia Gemyna Furtado Serrão, Annela Isabell Santos da Silva, Gleidiane Oliveira Monteiro and Regina Auxiliadora Pantoja


The aim of this article is to identify the sociodemographic, clinical and obstetric profile of women with postpartum hemorrhage hospitalized in the intensive care unit. This is an exploratory documentary research of descriptive, retrospective character with quantitative approach, in which 27 medical records of women hospitalized in intensive care with postpartum hemorrhage. The project was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the hospital and approved with opinion 3,364,551 and CAAE 13433519.7.0000.5171. A profile of women from the interiors, in reproductive age, white, low schooling, without paid activity was evidenced in the results and single. Regarding the clinical profile, a predominance of cesarean sections, with up to two delivery, without abortion, with fashion of 2 days of icu stay. 96% of the women underwent some type of invasive device, the most frequent was bladder catheterization. Regarding the unfavorable procedures performed, hysterectomy came first. An average of 4.5 bags of red blood cell concentrate per patient were used. Finally, more studies are needed on women in the puerperal pregnancy cycle hospitalized in intensive care units. Although being the world's leading cause of preventable maternal death, there are still inexpressible the existence of articles on the subject.

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