Ser professor: disponibilidade para aprender a ensinar

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Ser professor: disponibilidade para aprender a ensinar

TRAPP, Edgar Henrique Hein and AZEVEDO JUNIOR, Erni Soares de


When we seek a safe harbor in the process of teaching combined with professional activity in times of contemporaneity, we need to search corroborating situations in our framework of academic formation, as pointed out, for example, by Nóvoa (2009), who states that it is necessary to focus on knowledge as a form of knowledge, know-how as having ability and know-how with their attitudes, encompassing processes, disciplines and professionalism, as well as other theorists who also discuss this subject as Darling-Hammond (2001), Deleuze ( 2006), Freire (2009), Harari (2018), Marcelo (2009), Amado (2017), Munhoz et al. (2016) and Oliveita (1996). The provocations presented are notes on the relationship between the processes of teaching and learning and how this correspondence can affect both our student and the teacher, since teaching is a two-way street. The aim of the article is to contemplate the future of the teacher as a teaching profession within the dual teaching / learning practice. The applied methodology rests on bibliographic references. This article is justified by the need for the education professional to have a knowledge about his / her teaching practice and the learning process. The expected results are interconnected between an interesting and enjoyable class based on a construction of knowledge, bringing contents approached in a consistent way, with their deciphering of signs and hieroglyphs.

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