Environmental education: an approach in municipal schools in the city of limoeiro - Pe – Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Environmental education: an approach in municipal schools in the city of limoeiro - Pe – Brazil

Elica Dalila Dantas Correia, Rafaela Rodrigues Lins, José de Lima Albuquerque, Ivanda Maria Martins Silva, Andressa Pacífico Franco Quevedo, Jorge da Silva Correia Neto, Elidiane Suane Dias de Melo Amaro, Gelsomina Maria Bignetti Veloso, Eliabe Roberto de Souza, Giovanni Giuseppe da Nóbrega Marinho


Due to the environmental problems that have been occurring over time, environmental education has been the subject of major discussions on the world political scene. Observing the importance that the school has in the propagation of teaching and in the formation of more ethical, critical and responsible citizens, there was a need to research how municipal schools in the city of Limoeiro - PE have contributed to the dissemination of Environmental Education. The objective of this research was to investigate the way in which Environmental Education works in schools in the city of Limoeiro – PE, through the application of a questionnaire with students and teachers of the schools that were part of the research. It was found that all schools deal with Environmental Education and the approach methodology most cited by students and teachers was the lecture. The research showed that the interdisciplinary approach to the theme needs to be improved, since not all teachers work on this theme in their classes, this is perceived when students point out geography and sciences as those that most approach the theme. The teachers stated that there is a lack of provision of training directed to the theme by the municipality.

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