QTL mapping in crop plants: Principles and applications

International Journal of Development Research

QTL mapping in crop plants: Principles and applications


Many agriculturally important traits such as yield, quality and some form of disease resistance are controlled by many genes (poly genes) and are known as quantitative traits. Identification of the genomic region containing few or more genes controlling these complex traits is a basic idea of QTL mapping. The large number of QTL mapping studies for diverse crop species has provided an abundance of DNA marker-trait associations. The information obtained on the QTL analysis can be utilized for the crop improvement through marker aided selection and molecular breeding. The basic knowledge about DNA markers, principle of QTL mapping, statistical tools and techniques used in QTL analysis and applications of QTL mapping has been reviewed. This paper will be a key reference for the beginners and research scholars who are involved in QTL mapping in crop plants.

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