Agroecological cultivation of vegetables in a garden at dom josé tupinambá da frota state School, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Agroecological cultivation of vegetables in a garden at dom josé tupinambá da frota state School, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil

José Roberto de Sá, 2Débora Fonteles Lima, Genilson César Alves, João Rayaonio de Sousa Carvalho, Francisco Mateus Barbosa Rodrigues, Roberto Pequeno de Sousa, Janilson Pinheiro de Assis, Paulo César Ferreira Linhares and Lunara de Sousa Alves


Coriander and arugula are fast-growing, short-cycle herbaceous leafy vegetables. Organic fertilizers increase plant yields by providing nutrients, improving soil physical and biological properties.The objective of this work was to carry out a practical experience of agroecology at Dom José Tupinambá da Frota State College, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. The study was conducted in a garden in the courtyard of the College. Coriander cultivation was carried out from August 24 to September 19, 2018, in three beds prepared with manual hoe. The total area of each flowerbed (5 m x 0.8 m) is 4 m2. Plants were evaluated in part of the beds of goat manure fertilized and in part of the non fertilized bed. Two beds of 2.0 meters long and 0.8 meters wide were used, both in the presence and absence of 80 t ha-1. Arugula (Eruca sativa) was cultivated, cultivated cultivar and coriander (Coriandrum sativum) cultivated, cultivated verder. For arugula culture, the following characteristics were evaluated: plant height, number of leaves, green mass and number of sauces. For the coriander culture, the following characteristics were evaluated: plant height, number of stems, green mass and number of sauces. Higher plant height and green mass production and number of coriander sauces were obtained from plants fertilized with 80 tha-1 goat manure. Higher plant height, green mass and number of leaves per arugula plant were obtained from plants cultivated in the part of the fertilized bed in March 2018, followed by plants fertilized with goat manure in August 2018, in the amount of 80 t ha-1.

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