Diversité et dynamique du peuplement des euglénophytes en pisciculture en cages flottantes du lac de kossou (centre de la côte d’ivoire)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Diversité et dynamique du peuplement des euglénophytes en pisciculture en cages flottantes du lac de kossou (centre de la côte d’ivoire)

GROGA Noel, AKEDRIN Tetchi Nicaise, KOUADIO Atto Delphin and KONAN Koffi Felix


The objective of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of the Euglenophyte population of Lake Kossou. On a seasonal rhythm, physicochemical parameters were measured and Euglenophytes were sampled using a 20 μm mesh plankton net in the water column of five stations of the cage farm. floating from the lake. A total of 54 taxa divided into 2 families and 5 genera was identified. Taxonomic richness was dominated by Trachelomonas genera (44%) and Phacus genera (30%). The Euglenophytes of Lake Kossou are quite diverse with Shannon indices ranging from 1.98 to 3.68 bits cell-1. The total density of Euglenophytes in surface waters and in the water column was higher in the dry season than in the rainy season. The genera Trachelomonas and Phacus contribute to the elevation of this density in the layer from 0 to 2 m deep. Dissolved oxygen, pH, and nitrates strongly influence the distribution of some taxa.

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