Prevalence of Eraipu Noi (bronchitis) among the spinning mill workers in Nanguneri Taluk, Tirunelveli (District)
International Journal of Development Research
Prevalence of Eraipu Noi (bronchitis) among the spinning mill workers in Nanguneri Taluk, Tirunelveli (District)
Received 10th June, 2019; Received in revised form 26th July, 2019; Accepted 27th August, 2019; Published online 28th September, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Dr. T. Susmitha, Dr. A. Rajarajeshwari and Dr. M. Thiruthani. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Siddha is one of the ancient medical systems in India considered as the mother medicine of ancient Tamils/ Dravidians in South India. The word Siddha means “Established Truth” or “One who is accomplished. Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucous lining of the bronchial tree (air passages) of the lungs. The process of making yarns from the textile fiber is called spinning. There are various type of spinning methods producing various types of yarns such as stable yarn, spinning filament yarn and multi-component yarns. Their aim and objective of the study were; The aim was ensure and reduce the bad impact of spinning mill workers in bronchitis with clarify between spinning mill and bronchitis. To evaluate the prevalence of bronchitis among the spinning mill workers. To determine the interrelation between the bronchitis and spinning mill workers. To find the ratio of per day working hours of spinning mill workers. methodology of this research; the research conducted in Nanguneri Taluk, Tirunelveli District. Study period; April 2019 to August 2019, study design; descriptive cross sectional study, sample size was 81 as per calculation and data collected by questionnaire. This research result were obtained as sex distribution – 60.49% male and 39.51% female, working years less than 5 years 30.86%, 5 to 10 years 40.74%, more than 10 years 28.40%, respiratory symptoms were observed as dry cough 83.95%, wet cough 16.05%, dyspnoea – 83.95% and not repeated by bronchitis. Finally, concluded as there was no significant correlation in between the spinning mill workers and bronchitis. However, the major symptoms that could be interpreted 83.95% of dyspnea and dry cough during working hours none of them had developed bronchitis. Which marked the conclusion of this study. The respondents had other symptoms but were free from bronchitis and the findings are presented in this research work.