Analysis of oral injury bipsies carried out in a clinical school of dentistry in northeast Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Analysis of oral injury bipsies carried out in a clinical school of dentistry in northeast Brazil

Iago Jordan Teixeira Serejo, Miguel Henrique da Silva dos Santos, Vitória Christini Araújo Barros, Victor Pereira Lima, Dailane Ferreira Sousa, Giana Gislanne da Silva de Sousa, Tatiana Fernandes Queiroz Danda


This study aimed to analyze biopsied lesions at the Faculdade de Imperatriz, Maranhão, Brazil. A sample of 150 cases of patients who underwent a biopsy procedure during the period from 2013 to 2016 were included in the research. As data samples were performed through the reports of the archives in the dental clinic of the Faculdade de Imperatriz. The research involved a database of histopathological diagnoses, was considered grouped and characterized by the year, the age and history of the patients, the anatomical location of the lesion, the diagnosis of the disease and the histopathological diagnosis. Then, as the surveys were statistically analyzed in Microsoft Excel® 2016. Most patients who underwent the biopsy procedure were male (54.7%). One mucocele was a more diagnosed lesion (11.3%), followed by root cyst (9.3%) and squamous cell carcinoma (8.6%). The mandible was the most affected local anatomical (17.3%). There was clinical and histopathological agreement in 55.3% of the cases. We observed a variety of lesions diagnosed through biopsies with more frequent non-neoplastic lesions and a predominance of agreement between clinical and histopathological diagnoses.

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