Promotion of health and quality of life of elderly residents in a long-term institution of a city of the north of minas gerais

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Promotion of health and quality of life of elderly residents in a long-term institution of a city of the north of minas gerais

Joselane Ferreira da Silva and Talita Antunes Guimarães


Objective: To promote the health and quality of life of elderly residents in a long-term care facility in a city in northern Minas Gerais. Methods: This is a field research, with a quantitative-descriptive approach, having as its starting point the bibliographic research. The research was conducted at the long-stay institution São Vicente de Paulo, located in the city of Janaúba / MG. Ten elderly people participated in this research. For data collection, questionnaires and tables developed and validated were used. Results: The nutritional status of the elderly was assessed through the Body Mass Index (BMI) and found that 71% of the elderly are underweight and 29% overweight, and in the nutritional assessment only 7 elderly out of 10 participated. It was found that the elderly eat four to five meals a day, which is adequate, but have a lower caloric intake than necessary. In applying the international physical activity questionnaire, it was observed that the elderly practiced physical activity, however it was not enough proposed by the world health organization. The geriatric depression scale was applied to 10 elderly, in the first application 1 elderly presented severe depression, 5 mild depression and 4 did not have depression, in the second application after interventions, no severe depression was identified, 4 presented mild depression and 6 did not have depression. Conclusion: Human aging, brings with it many changes, losses, and insecurity that develop many problems in the elderly. Through this study, it was possible to assess the nutritional status, assess the degree of sedentary lifestyle and identify the depressed elderly, interventionist practices were developed, to promote health and quality of life.

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