Assessment of psychiatric risk profile in medical physicians using classroom response systems “clickers”

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Assessment of psychiatric risk profile in medical physicians using classroom response systems “clickers”

Galván-Molina Jesús Francisco, Hernández-Gómez Juan Francisco, Hernández-Sierra Juan Francisco, Cueli-Bárcena Santiago, Grimaldo-Avilés JuanaInés, Fonseca-Leal M del P, Shiguetomi-Medina Juan Manuel


There are relevant results that integrate a psychiatric risk profilein physicians. Applicants for a specialty education (residents) in Mexico must be selected through the National Examination of Applicants for Medical Residencies (ENARM). We seek to identify an association between the psychiatric risk profile and academic performance in the ENARM by applying the Kessler Psychological Distress Scales and the Adult Self-Report Scale of ADHD conducted during a preparation course for this exam. We found an association between being selected and a better performance in the course evaluations and an association between greater psychological distress and better performance in evaluations.

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