Assessment of the effects of spending discipline training on long term financial performance of athletes of elgeyo marakwet County
International Journal of Development Research
Assessment of the effects of spending discipline training on long term financial performance of athletes of elgeyo marakwet County
Received 10th January, 2019; Received in revised form 03rd February, 2019; Accepted 17th March, 2019; Published online 30th April, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Evans Biwott et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The purpose of this paper is to study assessed financial management skills of athletes and implication in their training and economic development for long-term performance. The sports industry creates direct economic benefits through sales of tickets from events, consumables, hospitality, and manufacture of sports attire, tourism and labour market. International championship, Olympic Games, common wealth, Grand prix, diamond League, the Federation International of the Football association (FIFA) and others. Athletes have continued to give to the society both in kind and materially. They have uplifted the status of society and put Kenya on the world map. The athletes have grown in number and returns. Through their achievement they have played important roles such as social, political and economical roles. Beyond athletes, there is termination of career which is subjected to different outcomes. An intervention programs would ensure acquisition financial management skills. The specific objective for the study was to assess the effects of spending discipline training on long term financial performance of athletes. The target population was 300 athletes of Elgeyo Marakwet County. Out of this, a sample was selected using simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data was collected using questionnaire and interview schedules. The researcher through discussing the items in the instruments with supervisors, lecturers from the department and colleagues who indicated by a tick or cross for every item in the questionnaire if it measures what is supposed to measure or not. Data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics which includes normal distribution, central tendency (means, median and mode) standard deviation, tables, pie charts and bar graphs. Statistical inference was used to draw conclusion about the population from sample. Microsoft excel 2007and statistical package for social science (SPSS) helped in data analysis. Recommendations were put forward on the type of skills, training needs athletes require as they prepare for retirement and improve spending habits.