Prevention and cure of kustha roga through ayurveda
International Journal of Development Research
Prevention and cure of kustha roga through ayurveda
Received 13th January, 2019; Received in revised form 27th February, 2019; Accepted 09th March, 2019; Published online 30th April, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Asthana Alok Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Healthy skin is the Reflection of healthy body where in the affection of former will not only have an impact on somatic makeup but also on psychological and social aspect of an individual. Skin is the largest sense organ in the human body which has the function of perceiving senses like pain, touch, temperature, pressure etc. It also provides protection to the whole body from external surrounding by covering it. the actual factors of kustha which become imbalanced are the three doshasand thus basically disease process may be correlated with the three doshasas vata, pitta and kapha. So, there should be balanced diet and physical exercise and avoid contraindicated food, drinks, excessive intake of tila, milk, fishes, meat, intake of uncooked food. Kushta is one among the Ashtamahagada, santarpanajanya & Raktapradoshajavikara No other disease is seen, which is most painful and most troublesome of all the diseases. Thusit is necessary to deal with this considering all the factors like dosha, desha, kala, bala etc. Hence Antahaparimarjana and Bahirparimarjana is adopted. When clear manifestation of diseases appear sanshodhanchikitsa should be beneficial, kusthatherapy is required according to doshas. The patient suffering fromkustha with more of vitiated doshas should be given eliminative therapis like vamanand virechna karma. depending upon the nature of the therapy, sansarjana karma should be followed.