Study on antioxidant potential of different parts of Martynia annua Linn.– a road side weed
International Journal of Development Research
Study on antioxidant potential of different parts of Martynia annua Linn.– a road side weed
Indian medicinal plant Martynia annua, a weed is used in Indian Traditional medicine and in Folklore for many diseases, Martynia annua commonly known as “puli nagam” is a small genus of flowering plants. The leaves are useful in treatment of gargle, treat epilepsy, tuberculosis, sore throat and also given local sedative effect. The results of this study revealed that, flavonoid content of the extracts in terms of quercetin equivalent were 0.26 ± 0.1 mg Qt/g to 0.49 ±0.12 mg Qt/g in Martynia annua. Martynia annua leaf contained the highest amount of tannin (1.78 ± 0.09 mgCE/g), while the endocarp with seed contained the lowest amount of tannin (0.98 ± 0.08 mgCE/g). The results revealed that all the three parts of M. annua contained appreciable quantity of ascorbic acid.