The profile of homicide perpetrators in belém-pa: An analysis from feminist criminology

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

The profile of homicide perpetrators in belém-pa: An analysis from feminist criminology

Victoria Di Paula Moraes Magno, Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos and Karla Cristina Nina Furtado


This study aims at showing the Profile of Perpetrators and victims of homicide crime in Belém-Pará and presenting the literature from feminist criminology by addressing female authorship as the central theme of the research and thus arousing interest beyond culture of victimization imposed by patriarchy in a macro sociological perspective in the construction of criminalized women. The methodological course conducts a quantitative study from the records of Bulletins of Police Occurrence of women who committed homicide from 2011 to 2017. It is presented the profile of those involved through exploratory and descriptive statistics. It is considered the regional reality of the data collected and the social context of homicide perpetrators; the theoretical positioning will be that of feminist critical criminology.

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