Influence of the dosage of goat dung and sawdust sengon wood (albizia facataria) against the productivity of the chicory plant (brassica juncea l.) on three different soil types in polybag

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Influence of the dosage of goat dung and sawdust sengon wood (albizia facataria) against the productivity of the chicory plant (brassica juncea l.) on three different soil types in polybag

Domingos Taeque, Domingos C.B.B. Gomes and Claudino Ninas Nabais


The limitations of the media grows and diversity of commodities in a narrow area, resulting in the production of the plant is not optimal and not sustainable. The limitations of the media in the form of planting land can be anticipated by utilizing organic ingredients from the results of the activities performed by the public. An alternative workaround is to search for materials in addition to ground and without the need for extensive land to farm. Plant Mustard (Brassica juncea i.) is a horticultural commodity vegeTable leaves are much favored by the public because it tastes good, is easy to come by, and it has been not too difficult. Plant mustard greens contain lots of vitamins and nutrition that is needed by the human body.Special purpose Knowing the exact formulation dose against dirt and sawdust wood goat sengon against crop productivity sawi, Mengetuhui what constraints affect the growth process plant mustard greens. The design used in this study was a randomized Design Group (RAK) and three times (3) repeats. Treatment in a high-rise in factorial. The treatments tested consists of two factors, namely: the first Factor is the goat's Dung (K) i.e.: K0:0 grams, K1:20 grams, K2:40 grams, K3:60 grams, the second Factor is the Wood Sawdust Sengon (Albizia facataria) (S) IE: S0:0 grams, S1:20 grams, S2:40 grams , S3:60 grams. The experiment consists of 16 units of treatment combinations and each treatment was repeated three times, so that the required 48 polybag experiment. Results of the study showed that giving shit goat and wood sawdust sengon can increase growth and crop chicory grown real interaction occurs on plant colonization chicory on treatment goat droppings and concentration the concentration of sawdust wood sengon, goat droppings on the concentration of 60 gr/plant showed concentrations of goat droppings and concentration of sawdust wood sengon 60 gr/plantshows dose soil type Railaku is a kind of land suiTable for cultivation of crops chicory in lowlands climate is dry. Goat Droppings andconcentration of Sawdust Wood Sengon influential real against High parameters of crops Chicory, the number of plant leaf chicory at age 14,21 day after cultivatin (DAP), 28 DAP and 35 DAP, whereas concentrations of dirt and sawdust wood goat sengon influential real against fresh heavy economical parameters, length of root, stem diameter and fresh weight of total crops chicory at 35DAP. andthe combination of goat dung and sawdust wood sengon real effect on soil pH Aeroporto Comoro, Railaku and Kristorei.

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