The influence of the media and the concentration of auxin towards growth cuttings of pepper (pipper nigrumlinnaeus)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

The influence of the media and the concentration of auxin towards growth cuttings of pepper (pipper nigrumlinnaeus)

Felisberto Pereira Pinto, Claudino Ninas Nabais and Domingos C.B.B. Gomes


This research aimed to analyse the right concentration of auxin, with composition of top soil planting media, cow manure and rice husk combined to the growth of pippernigrum. Pepper growers in the Laulara only use media land without adding manure (If j using the size without obvious) or ZPT (a regulator of plant substances) in the process of breeding that resulted in the growth of the plant is less good because even though the leaves are already quite a lot but haven't grown roots perfect (weak rooting), so when the opportunity to grow up in is very low. The methods used in this study was a Randomized Design Group (RDG),with three replicates.The treatmentarranged in factorial. The treatments tested consists of two factors, namelythe planting medium (M) consists of: Top Soil of Cow Manure, rice husk that are mixed with ratio 1:1: l.Part 2 concentration Factors. Auxin i.e. 12 gr/l, 24 gr/l 36 gr/l and 48 gr/l.The experiment consists of 20 combinations and each treatment was repeated three times so that the required 60 polybag/plants experiment. Observation of variable growth cuttings of pepper that is the length of the shoots, leaves, vast amounts of leaf, root length, number of roots and root weight.The collected data were analyzed with the analysis variant according to the experimental design was used. Based on the result of observation and data processing, it shows that the treatment factors of the planting media are significantly influential where the average value of control is lower for shoot length, root number, and root weight compared to the combination of top soil planting media, fertilizer rice husk cow cage with auxin concentration 36 gr/ l (M3R3). With the average value of each observation variable as follows long pepper cut buds for the age of 12 weeks after planting, the average number of leaves at 12 weeks after planting is 10,33 leaves compared to 5,00 leaves (M3R0). Leaf area at 12 weeks after planting is M3R3 combination of 60,03 cm compared to M3R0 combination13,67 cm. the longest number of roots in the M3R3 combination is 29,53 cm compared to the M3R0 combination of 14,63 cm. while the average number of roots in the M3R3 combination is 7,67 pieces compared to M3R0 which is 3,33 pieces. The while for root weigth there is a combination 0f M3R3 which is 6,42 gr compared to M3R0 combination of 3,97 gr. This happens because of the planting media which is a mixture of top soil, cow manure, rice husk which contains macro nutrients, especially higt organic C and NPC and micro nutrients added with rice husk which functions as water regulator (Aerase)so that it helps the growth process on the stem of the leaves and root cutting of pepper.

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