Effect of types and dosage of lamtoro leaf, gamal leaf and kandang ayam leaf fertilizer on growth and results of caisin green palm plant (Brassicajuncea L)
International Journal of Development Research
Effect of types and dosage of lamtoro leaf, gamal leaf and kandang ayam leaf fertilizer on growth and results of caisin green palm plant (Brassicajuncea L)
Received 10th October, 2018; Received in revised form 20th November, 2018; Accepted 19th December, 2018; Published online 30th January, 2019
Copyright © 2019, Paulino da Costa Sarmento et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Caisim green mustard plant (Brasiccajuncea L) has been known by the East Timorese people. This plant is a horticultural commodity that is much favored by the community starting from the upper class to the lower classes. because it has the most delicious taste compared to other mustard types. Various dishes that use mustard as a raw material used as a mixture of vegetables such as lodeh, capcay, boiled noodles and as a complement to the food mixture. In every 100 g of mustard, the nutritional value is protein 2.3 g; 0.3 g fat; 4.0 g carbohydrates; Ca 220.0 mg; P 38.0 mg; Fe 2.9 mg; vitamin A 1,940 mg; 0.09 mg vitamin B; and vitamin C 102 mg. Nutritional content in vegetables, especially vitamins and minerals, cannot be substituted through staple foods. (Manurung, 2011). The method used in this study is Randomized Block Design (RBD), with 3 replications. The treatment is arranged factorially. The treatments tested consisted of two factors, namely: Factor 1. Factor doses of green leaf doses of lamtoro, gamal leaves (PHDLG) consisting of PHDLG = 0 gr / plot, PHDLG1 = 1200 gr / plot, PHDLG2 = 2400 gr / plot, PHDLG3 = 3600 gr / plot. 2nd factor. Chicken Cage (PKA) fertilizer dosage consisting of: PKA0 = 0 gram / plot, PKA1 = 240 gram / plot, PKA2 = 340 gram / plot, PKA3 = 460gram / plot. The experiment consisted of 12 combination treatment units and each treatment was repeated three times so that 36 units of research plots were needed. Observations were made on the growth variables of green mustard and plant components and supporting variables. Data collected was analyzed by analysis of variance (variance) in accordance with the experimental design used. If there is a real interaction effect on the observed variables, the study is continued with the average difference test using the Duncan multiple distance test (DMRT) at the level of 5% and if only the influence of the single factor is real, then proceed with the average difference test with the test BNT at a significant level of 5%. Based on the results of research on the influence of the types and doses of green manure lamtoro, gamal and chicken manure on the growth and yield of green mustard plants. The results of the study showed that among the four parameters observed in the growth of Caisin green mustard plants, it was indicated that the effect of lamtoro leaf green manure, gamal leaves on plant height parameters at week 2 and week 4 of MST. Likewise, the influence of chicken manure can affect the growth of tall green mustard greens in the weeks 2,4,6 and 8 WAC. On the other hand, the combination of lamtoro leaf green manure, gamal leaves and chicken manure can also influence the growth of mustard plant height at weeks 2.4 and 6 WAC. From the results of the research on the parameters of leaf number, it indicates that the influence of lamtoro leaf green fertilizer, gamal leaves can affect the parameters of the number of leaves of green mustard plants in the 2nd and 8th weeks of MST. Likewise the influence of chicken manure can affect the growth of the number of leaves of the green mustard greens in the weeks 2,4,6 and 8 MST. In contrast, the combination of lamtoro leaf green manure, gamal leaves and chicken manure can also affect the growth of the number of mustard plant leaves at weeks 2.6, and 8 of MST.