Feelings and living of families of children with cancer in the amazon context

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Feelings and living of families of children with cancer in the amazon context

Milene do Socorro Bastos De Carvalho, Milena Farah Castanho Ferreira, Daniele Melo Sardinha, Danielle Oliveira Maciel, Carla Monique Lavareda Costa and Jacira Nunes Carvalho


Objective: To describe the feelings and experiences of relatives of children with cancer in the Amazon context in a reference hospital in oncology in the city of Belém-Pará-Brazil. Methodology: Exploratory study of a descriptive nature with a qualitative approach, carried out in a Reference Hospital in Pediatric Oncology in Belém do Pará, family participants of children hospitalized with cancer. A semi-structured interview was used, through the methodological reference of the family evaluation of the Calgary Model. From there six categories were raised and discussed. Results: The impact that the families suffer, caused by the diagnosis of cancer in the child, has been evidenced, repercussions in the activities of life, work, intra-family relations, suffering, and doubts. It is still evident that the lack of qualified professionals in this type of assistance also has repercussions on the family. Conclusion: The family evaluation allowed to identify that the majority of the families participating in the study were nuclear. One characterized as extended family and the overload as to the care that falls on the primary caregiver-mother. The child and his / her family need to be qualified and systematized assistance in order to enable paths that foster feelings of hope, confidence, and confidence regarding the treatment and consequently with a satisfactory prognosis.

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