The influence of resistant and functional training in the run of the elderly

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages

The influence of resistant and functional training in the run of the elderly

Amauri Bernardo dos Santos Junior, Bruno Broetto Godinho, Edmilson Gomes da silva, Michel Barros Santos, Murilo Evangelista Campos, Nathália Kakimoto Figueiredo Silva, Tanise keller de carvalho berto, Carlos Alberto Kelencz


A review of the literature that aimed to verify the results found regarding the methods of gait training for the elderly, its relevance for a healthy aging and improvement in the quality of life. The choice of the study was made since the scientific evidence demonstrates the great importance of identifying which methods can be used to promote adequate training for the elderly with regard to the necessary gait and balance used during the aging process, the study is closely related to the course research line, since it is the professional educator's performance in the various areas that can act within the quality of life process of the elderly. As a methodology, articles published in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Sciences and Health database (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Libray Online (SCIELO), were evaluated in the year 2018. It is concluded that regular physical exercises have important benefits for gait and decrease of falls, as well as resisted exercises increase balance, functional mobility, physical and psychological dominance. The evaluation of gait is fundamental for the development of adequate training programs according to individual needs and for achieving positive results in the quality and life expectancy of the elderly.

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