Perceptions of stakeholders on a home economics and livelihood education practicum building in the private elementary schools

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Perceptions of stakeholders on a home economics and livelihood education practicum building in the private elementary schools

Ariel U. Cubillas


The primary concern of the study was to determine the status of Home Economics and Livelihood Education Practicum Building (HELEPB) of the private elementary schools as basis for constructing or renovating suitable and conducive HELEPB for a quality teaching and learning process. It utilized descriptive survey method of research. The participants of the study were stakeholders of the private elementary schools namely: parents, alumni, faculty staff and administrators. The results revealed that the HELEPB is inadequate as perceived by the participants in terms of the components such as agricultural, industrial, entrepreneurial and home economics. On the elements of a HELEPB, the stakeholders regardless of status gave positive responses which means they perceived the elements essential. Moreover, the aspects to be recommended in constructing or renovating HELEPB as perceived by the stakeholders are specific areas for industrial arts, agricultural, home economics and entrepreneurial.

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