Knowledge and barriers to uptake of cervical cancer screening among women at koginga fish landing site in homa bay county, Western Kenya
International Journal of Development Research
Knowledge and barriers to uptake of cervical cancer screening among women at koginga fish landing site in homa bay county, Western Kenya
Received 20th April, 2018; Received in revised form 06th May, 2018; Accepted 19th June, 2018; Published online 30th July, 2018
Copyright © 2018, Eric O. Mayaka et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Cancer of the cervix remains a major public health problem among women worldwide especially in developing countries and in Kenya, there are about 2,454 new cases and 1,676 annual deaths. The potential areas of new cases include fish landing sites, where there are high prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases due to promiscuity. However, knowledge and barriers to cervical cancer screening in the fish landing sites have not been assessed despite the vulnerability of the population. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and identify barriers to cervical cancer screening among women in Koginga fish landing site in Homabay County, Kenya. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used study participants were 203 registered women selling fish at Koginga fish landing site. Both qualitative and quantitative methods, in particular, semi-structured questionnaire and key informant interview guides were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was used for the analysis. Results: Majority of the respondents (89.3% n=181) had heard of cervical cancer and the source of information about cervical cancer are health care workers at 28%(n=57). Interestingly, about 75% (n=152) of respondents said that cervical cancer can be prevented and 52.71% (n=107) were aware that Human papilloma virus is a risk factor. However, 45.32% (n=92) pointed at tobacco but only 46.31% (n=94) pointed at the multiple sexual partner despite the high promiscuity levels at the site. Cervical cancer screening uptake is at 23%. On the barriers to the uptake of the screening, 85.2% (n=173) indicated work and lack of awareness of availability of cancer screening services at the health facilities by 15.8% (n=32) of the respondents. Conclusions: Cervical cancer screening uptake is low and there is poor knowledge of multiple sexual partner as major risk of cervical cancer at the fish landing site. Barriers to the uptake of cervical cancer screening include work and lack of awareness on the availability of cervical cancer screening services at the health facilities. Therefore, the study recommends a site specific programmatic intervention to create awareness on the risk of cervical cancer.