Music and teaching: The result of an action-research on high school education from a public formation

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Music and teaching: The result of an action-research on high school education from a public formation

Antonio Escandiel de Souza, Vânia Maria Abreu de Oliveira and Júlio Cezar Costa Winck


This text presents some discussions about a reflexive practice involving teaching and music in a high school in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul. The practice had the action research as an alternative methodology, considering that this search promotes improvements in contexts, especially in the public school, and involves teamwork, which leads those involved in the process of action-reflection-action. The analysis of the data was focused on the productions that involved the activities of the educators in the process of considering the transversal theme in the other teaching activities. In this sense, individual and collective textual and written debates and productions about lyrics by Chico Buarque de Hollanda in the areas of Humanities and Languages were conducted. The theoretical foundations were based on authors such as Thiollent (2011), Diniz (2014), Japiassú (1976), among others. The results evidenced the relevance of collaborative work in a team that is characteristic of action research, especially in the educational context of the public school so in need of actions aimed at improving the quality of teaching.

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