Study of manganese ore from mato grosso do sul, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

Study of manganese ore from mato grosso do sul, Brazil

Petr Melnikov, 1Gerson GattassOrro de Campos, Lincoln CS de Oliveira and Tania Marchesi Freitas


Manganese ore coming from Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil was investigated to ascertain its mineral composition. Chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction along with energy dispersive analysis allowed establishing that the mineral is a mixture of Mn2+Mn3+2 and Mn4+O2 oxides, hausmannite and pyrolusite which are present as major and minor phases respectively. It is assumed that the mineral also contains neotocite, a manganese-iron silicate (Mn+20.75, Fe2+0.25) SiO3 H2O that is present in the amorphous state and cannot be detected by X-ray technique.

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