Diabetes mellitus type 1 and hypovitaminosis d: current clinical associations

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Diabetes mellitus type 1 and hypovitaminosis d: current clinical associations

Omar Pereira de Almeida Neto, Marina Teixeira de Deus, Paula Cristina Silva, Alberto Lopes Ribeiro, Natalia Rosa e Souza, Cristiane Martins Cunha, Patrícia Costa dos Santos da Silva and Poliana Rodrigues Alves Duarte


Objective: to analyze scientific publications about the relation between hypovitaminosis D and Diabetes Mellitustype 1 (DM1). Method: Integrative literature review, using the descriptors "Type 1 diabetes mellitus/diabetes mellitus tipo 1" and "vitamin D deficiency/deficiência de vitamina D" connected by the Boolean operator AND in the Pubmed, Lilacs and SciElo databases. Papers published between 2010-2017 was included, available in their entirety in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and the ones that answer this study main question. Results: From the 237 papers found, just 6 answered this study main question. The hypovitaminosis D is related to DM1 by the following evidences: low sunlight exposure; modulation of the inflammatory response; increase and control of pancreatic secretion; control of autoantibodies in pancreatic islets; expression of C reactive protein in inflammatory processes. Conclusion: The literature is scarce of publications that establish a relation between hypovitaminosis D and DM1. Experimental and prospective investigations need to be done to solidify the studied theme.

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