Bianchi type vi0 massive string cosmological models with magnetic field and time dependent vacuum energy density in general relativity

International Journal of Development Research

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10 pages
Research Article

Bianchi type vi0 massive string cosmological models with magnetic field and time dependent vacuum energy density in general relativity

Raj Bali and Subhash Chandra Bola


Bianchi Type VI0 massive string cosmological models with magnetic field and time dependent vacuum energy density following the technique used by Leterlier [18], are investigated. The conservation equation is satisfied for both the models where  is time dependent vacuum energy density. It is observed that the first model satisfies dominant and weak energy conditions given by Hawking and Ellis [51] while the second model satisfies weak energy conditions. Both the models represent decelerating phase of universe and anisotropy is maintained. In the second model, the vacuum energy density leads to the result obtained by Beesham [41] and State Finder parameters {r,s} agree with  CDM model. The other physical aspects with singularities in the models, are also discussed. In absence of vacuum energy density (), the model leads to the model as obtained by Tikekar and Patel [40].

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