Study on economic feasibility of intercropping of kinnow (citrus reticulata blanco) with legume crops in the sub tropical region of Punjab

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Study on economic feasibility of intercropping of kinnow (citrus reticulata blanco) with legume crops in the sub tropical region of Punjab

Navpreet Singh and Amarjeet Kaur


An experiment was carried out to study the production potential and economic feasibility of inter-cropping kinnow and legume crops at the nursery of Department of Horticulture, Khalsa College, Amritsar during 2016-2017.The productivity of the intercropping systems was found to differ significantly. The highest gross return was obtained from the kinnow + pea intercropping system and the lowest gross return was obtained from kinnow + coriander. The highest benefit - cost ratio (2.41) was recorded in kinnow + pea intercropped followed by T4 (2.05) and T5 (1.79). From the present investigation, it was apparent that the kinnow + pea intercropping system was found to be the best from the view point of equivalent yield and economics.

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