Stabilizing plaques as preditor response of temporomandibular dysfunction: brief review
International Journal of Development Research
Stabilizing plaques as preditor response of temporomandibular dysfunction: brief review
Received 05th April, 2017; Received in revised form 24th May, 2017; Accepted 06th June, 2017; Published online 22nd July, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Carolina Filippin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders, which cause anatomical changes in TMJ structures, are capable of promoting degenerations on the disc surface and in the articular bones. DTM has an incidence of more than 2.0 million cases per year in Brazil and is considered a dysfunction of multifactorial etiology. Objective: The aim of this study was to brief review of the literature and discuss the main factors supporting the temporomandibular dysfunctions and your main predictors. Methods: Experimental and clinical studies were included (case reports, retrospective, prospective and randomized trials) with qualitative and / or quantitative analysis. Initially, the key words were determined by searching the DeCS tool (Descriptors in Health Sciences, BIREME base) and later verified and validated by MeSh system (Medical Subject Headings, the US National Library of Medicine) in order to achieve consistent search. Literature Review: TMD is the most common orofacial pain condition. Its prominent features include regional pain in the face and preauricular area, limitations in the movement of the mandible and noise of the TMD during mandibular movements. TMD affects up to 15.0% of adults and 7.0% of adolescents. Chronic pain is the overwhelming reason that TMD patients seek treatment. Thus, TMD can be associated with general health problems, depression and other psychological disabilities and can affect the patient's quality of life. Conclusion: more evidence is needed such as cohort studies, case control or cross-sectional analytical studies, investigating each risk factor and creating a useful consensus to standardize and define clinical behaviors on the treatment and prevention of TMD in a safe and efficient manner.