Main considerations of clinical use of bone grafts: a review
International Journal of Development Research
Main considerations of clinical use of bone grafts: a review
Received 09th April, 2017; Received in revised form 24th May, 2017; Accepted 26th June, 2017; Published online 22nd July, 2017
Copyright ©2017, Daiane Balero Galindo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introduction: Após extrações dentárias o osso alveolar reabsorve devido à falta de carga mecânica da mastigação. Tal reabsorção dificulta a reabilitação dos pacientes edêntulos devido a possíveis não adaptação das próteses e falta de altura para implantes, causando diversos danos a saúde. Para minizar a reabsorção enxertos podem ser utilizados no momento da extração, no alveolo. Estes enxertos podem ser autógenos, retirados, principalmente, da região mentoniana do paciente, ou alógenos, extraidos da matriz ossea bovina desvitalizada. Objective: Aimed to bring together the literary findings on allogeneic and xenogenic grafts with the use of biomaterials and their correlations with dental and esthetic implants. Methods: A search protocol was developed to identify the evidence related to determinants for autologous and xenogene grafts. Thus, the mesh terms were included "Dental Implantation," "Dental Implant", "Bone Graft", “Autogenous Graft” and “Xenogenous graft”. For further specification, the "anterior maxilla" description for refinement was added during searches. The literature search was conducted through online databases: Pubmed, and Google Scholar. It was stipulated deadline, and the related search covering all available literature on virtual libraries. Conclusion: It can be concluded that autogenous grafts are still the first option in the treatment of alveolar bone loss. However, its disadvantages related mainly to the morbidity of the procedure and the small amount of possible donation material limits its use.