Analysis of women extension agents effectiveness in technology transfer in Imo state, Nigeria
International Journal of Development Research
Analysis of women extension agents effectiveness in technology transfer in Imo state, Nigeria
Women Extension Agents in technology Transfer in Imo State, Nigeria was the major issue. The study specifically ascertained women extension agents (WEAs) effectiveness in the transfer of technology and investigate the influence of socio-economic characteristics of the WEAs in relation to their effectiveness in technology transfer. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were adopted in selecting 120 Contact Farmers (CFs) and 24 WEAs. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain the primary data which was subjected to both Chi-squarred and regression analysis. Chi-square application showed significant effects of the factors on WEAs effectiveness as χ2 – calculated (180.663) was greater than χ2 – critical (43.77) at 5% level of probability which implied very effective, and hence rejection of the hypothesis which states that WEAs are not very effective in technology transfer (T.T). Results further showed that age, educational level and household size of WEAs were positively related to effectiveness. Specialization was statistically significant at 10% level of probability which indicates tremendous contributions to effectiveness and hence rejection of the hypothesis which states that “the socio-economic characteristics of WEAs do not influence their effectiveness in T.T. process”. The study recommends adequate encouragement and motivation to WEAs to ensure sustainability of their effectiveness.