Developing infrastructure via public private partnership within the context of millennium development goals (MDGS)

International Journal of Development Research

Developing infrastructure via public private partnership within the context of millennium development goals (MDGS)


The concept of public private partnership is such that the Private Sector is allow a long- term obligation to yield public service delivery particularly public infrastructure. In Nigeria, the state of infrastructure was poor and insufficient due to successive government’s failure to develop, expand, and maintain the available infrastructure. This paper therefore evaluates public private partnership as a major factor determinant for the procurement of public infrastructures. The paper further examines the followings; policy objectives of public private partnership and success factors, various models of public private partnership, the eight action points of Millennium Development Goals, and achieving the Millennium Development Goals through public private partnership synergy. Methodology adopted involved the review of related literature. The study revealed that public private partnerships though relatively new in Nigeria procurement system, offers the benefits of synergies among traditionally diverse process in the delivery and operation of public infrastructure (built facilities). The paper concluded that for public private partnership to be successful, government need to undertake thorough feasibility studies that addresses the issue of affordability, proper planning, effective monitoring, regulation and enforcement, value for money and risk transfer.

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